If you have a website that deals with foreign currency, like for example a travel website. Here is a nice easy to use plugin that makes it really easy to add a conversion inline using a short-code and also comes with a widget so you can also use it in say your side bar or something.
Go to Plugins>Add New> and do a search for “Currencyr”, Install and Activate it.
Now you should see a new menu item on your menu bar along the left.
Click it to get into the “Currencyr Settings”
There is nothing too complicated in here just change the “Base Currency” setting and press save.
This is just so that if you do not specify a particular currency it will default to this one.
Using the Short-Code
Ensure you are editing your post or page using the “Text” tab
Example 1
The rice cost only 20 Bhat [currencyr amount=20 from=thb to=aud] what a bargain!
Will return:
The rice cost only 20 Bhat 0.71 AUD what a bargain!
Example 2
The rice cost only 20 Bhat [currencyr amount=20 from=thb to=usd|aud|gbp] what a bargain!
Will return:
The rice cost only 20 Bhat 0.61 USD|0.71 AUD|0.38 GBP what a bargain!
The Widget
The widget is also available with the appearance of a traditional currency converter calculator.